Privacy Policy

  1. Scope of Application

    (1) When you register as a member of iHH co., ltd, or use our services (such as arctos ISS surveillance system and member center), you must agree to our processing and use of your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy.

    (2) "Personal Information" refers to information that can identify you, including but not limited to the name, username, password, email address, etc., that you provide to us.

  1. Types of Personal Information Collected

    (1) Information provided by the user: When you join as a member of iHH, we will require you to provide necessary personal information, such as an email address, name, and password. If you register through a third-party account, we will store your third-party user information, such as name, email address, language preference, and personal photo in our system. This information will only be used as described in this privacy policy. You can register as a member through third-party services such as Google, Microsoft, APPLE, etc.

    (2) Information collected through the use of apps, browsers, and devices: When using our services, we collect information including IP address, device identifier, browser type, operating system, internet service provider, and internet protocol address, among others. Additionally, we may collect device event information, such as system errors, crash records, and other server logs. Our website may also use cookies to improve the user experience. You can control the type of information we collect to some extent by configuring your browser and device settings.

    (3) To provide our services, you need to provide us with certain categories of data, including personal information required for registering as a member. If you cannot provide this information, we may not be able to fulfill our contractual obligations.

  1. Purposes of Collection and Processing

    (1) Service Provision: We use the collected data to provide services, such as recording the details of the app's use when you use the arctos ISS interactive monitoring system. If you raise a question or feedback, we will communicate with you through your contact information. The processing of this data is to fulfill our contract with you and provide the corresponding service.

    (2) Personalized Services: We analyze the collected data to understand how users use our services, thereby providing a personalized experience. This data processing is based on the legitimate interest of improving service quality and ensuring you receive a personalized service experience.

    (3) Sending newsletters and marketing information: If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will send you newsletters and marketing information via email. We process these data for marketing purposes because we believe these information may be of interest to you. You can unsubscribe at any time, with specific methods detailed at the bottom of the emails we send.

    (4) Managing website activities: If you participate in draws, contests, surveys, or promotional activities on our website, we use the information you provide to manage these activities. The processing of this data is to organize and conduct these activities and to ensure your participation.

    (5) Improving our services: We may process information collected in research analysis to improve the service experience, and enhance the safety and stability of the service. This is to protect your interests and ensure you enjoy a safe and continuously improving service.

  1. User Rights

    (1) You can exercise the right to inquire, request access, obtain a copy, supplement or correct, stop collecting, processing, utilizing, restrict the use, or delete your personal information through our website's "Contact Us" page

    (2) If you request us to stop or restrict the collection, processing, utilization, or deletion of your personal information, depending on your request, we may not be able to continue providing service or may not be able to provide a complete service experience.

  1. Security Protection

    We implement appropriate data protection, storage, and processing mechanisms, as well as data security measures, to prevent your personal information and transaction information from being stolen, tampered with, damaged, lost, or leaked.

  1. Retention Period

    iHH Account Information:

    (1) Your account information with iHH, including email address, name, and password, will be retained until you actively delete your iHH account or when your account becomes invalid for any reason. If you use the same iHH account to connect to multiple iHH products, we will continue to retain your account information as long as you continue to use or subscribe to any iHH product. To delete or deactivate your iHH account, you can contact our customer service through Please note that after deleting the account, all files stored in iHH will be permanently removed. Since iHH's products and services share the same account, once the account is deleted, you will no longer be able to use any iHH products or services, and the original account information cannot be recovered.

    (2) To comply with legal requirements and commercial practices (including tax regulations and accounting procedures), or to provide services related to iHH products, we may need to retain your personal information to the necessary extent.

  1. Data Sharing and Disclosure

    We will not share users' personal information with any third party unless in the following situations:

    (1) With your consent: Only after obtaining your explicit consent will we share your data with third parties within the scope of your consent.

    (2) Legal requirements: If required by law or a legitimate request from government agencies, we may need to provide personal information to third parties.

    (3) Third-party services: To support our business operations or management activities (such as newsletter distribution or surveys), we may need to share your information with third parties and require them to follow our instructions, comply with this privacy policy, and take appropriate confidentiality and security measures.

    (4) Partners: We may share aggregated general statistical information with partners, subsidiaries, or advertisers, but this information cannot identify individual identities.

    (5) De-identified data: We may share integrated or de-identified data because these data cannot be used to identify individuals.

    (6) Non-personal data: We may publicly disclose, sell, or rent aggregated or de-identified statistical information, such as application usage, because these data cannot be used to identify individuals.

    (7) Enforcing Terms of Service: To enforce the terms of service, investigate abuse cases, or deal with security and technical issues, we may share personal information with third parties.

    (8) Company changes: In the event of mergers, acquisitions, or asset sales, we will protect the confidentiality of personal information and notify affected users before transferring any personal information.

  1. Third-party Websites or Services

    (1) Our website, applications, and services may contain links, services, and advertisements provided by third parties. These are not within our scope of operation and are not covered by this privacy policy. We are not responsible for the data collection, processing, and usage practices of third parties. Users should familiarize themselves with the terms of service and privacy policies of third parties before using these links, services, and advertisements.

    (2) We may automatically send emails and notifications to users to determine access levels based on the use of our services. Additionally, we process payment matters through third parties, including using automated decisions to prevent high-risk payments.

  1. Data Transfer

    Your personal information may be processed on servers located outside your country. Regardless of where your data is processed, we will provide protection consistent with this privacy policy and comply with relevant regulations on cross-border personal data transfer. If your data is transferred abroad or to third-party organizations, we will ensure compliance with adequacy decisions; otherwise, we will take appropriate standard contractual clauses (SCC) to ensure the safety of your data.

  1. Changes to the Privacy Policy

    (1) In light of rapid technological advancements, iHH may periodically update this privacy policy to comply with relevant legal regulations and reflect changes in law, technology, or business. It is your responsibility to regularly check this privacy policy. Your continued use of iHH's products or services will be deemed acceptance of the updated privacy policy. If you do not agree with the new privacy policy, please stop using iHH's products or services.

    (2) When we update the privacy policy, we will post the latest policy on iHH's website and notify you in a timely manner through the application or email.

  1. Right to Lodge a Complaint

    You have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent authority in your country. If you have concerns about how we process your personal information, before contacting the competent authority, we sincerely hope you will contact us first to give us an opportunity to help resolve your issue.

  1. Contact Us

    If you have any questions about the privacy policy, data transfer, or iHH's products, please contact us through the following URL:

  1. European Data Protection Rights

    Residents within the European Economic Area have a series of privacy protection rights granted by EU regulations. These rights are designed to ensure the security and privacy of personal data are strictly protected. To understand how these rights work and their scope, it is recommended to refer to the relevant GDPR documents. When you need to make a personal data inquiry or other related requests to arctos ISS surveillance system, please submit your request through "Contact Us". After receiving your request, we will take necessary steps to verify your identity to prevent improper access to data. Please note, exercising these rights may affect your experience using arctos ISS surveillance system services to some extent.

  1. California Consumer Privacy Act

    For users residing in California, under local law, you can request businesses to disclose how they process your personal information, including but not limited to inquiring, deleting, and opting out of the sale of your data. Additionally, before a business begins collecting data, you have the right to know what types of data will be collected and their intended uses. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) provides detailed guidance to help you understand and exercise these rights. If you wish to initiate a personal data access or other privacy-related request to arctos ISS surveillance system, you are welcome to do so through our "Contact Us" method. We will conduct necessary identity verification procedures upon receiving your request to ensure your privacy is not infringed. Please note, exercising your privacy rights may affect your user experience with arctos ISS surveillance system services.